Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Kenny will be going to London on the 12th for work and so the boys and I are going to tag along. His class is in Leatherhead which via train is about 45 mins south west of London. He has agreed to the commute so that we can stay in London. We will be leaving at midnight next Saturday and get there about 7:30am Sunday morning. When we come back on Friday we get here about 4:30am and then we have the International day at the school that I have to help set up for at 11:30am and it last until 5pm. At least we will have Sunday to catch up on some sleep. Kenny was telling Jacob that he had a great surprise for him in London and Jacob told him that I had already told him about the 3 story toy store. Kenny told him it was even better than that and told him there are Pizza Huts on ever block almost. Anyone that knows Jacob can imagine how he reacted to this. He was definitely more excited than he was about the toy store. He is missing his pepperoni pizza for sure. I will have to make sure I get a picture of his first bite. :-) It was about 60 degrees in London today and we only have one pair of jeans and the sweatshirts we bought in Cape Town so we will be doing some winter clothes shopping on our first day there. I am also going to be on a hunt for a bread machine. I can not find one here and I need one bad.

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