Saturday, November 5, 2011


This morning I went and watched the boys morning assembly. They both sang a song and Jacob even played the triangle. They both did an excellent job and was glad to see me. If I can figure out how to put video on my computer I will download their stunning performance. :-) After the assemble Kati and I decided we would stop by Shoprite so I could get some fruit and yogurt for the boys lunches. I am also on a hunt for some Milk this week. Still none at Shoprite so I sent the driver early to town and asked him to look for some there. Before going in we were going to exchange some money and we could not find anyone to exchange money with so we just got what we could with what money we had. I did have a good find also. I found puff is kind of like crescent rolls. It's so funny because sometimes I wish I could find something and then once I find it I can not remember what I wanted it for. :-)

It has been raining all day here today and about 75 degrees. I love the rain here, it makes it feel a little more like home. I have never seen a thunderstorm, it's normally just a heavy sprinkle all day. I am so missing home and ready for our trip in December. One more week and we go to London for a week and then only 3 weeks and we leave for the US. We are all counting down the days.

Yesterday, when I came home I found my maid with her head down on the table and she was clearly asleep because I scared her when I finally said something. I noticed that the beds were made and the dishes done and laundry going but the floor had not been swept. She wanted me to call my driver so she could tell me something. He said that they came and sprayed for bugs and they told her not to mop the floor with water today. I told him she still needed to sweep and clean the bathrooms. She swept and said she would clean the bathrooms tomorrow. Today, I told her to scrub the boys bathroom and the spare bathroom really good like she did my bathroom last week. She scrubbed the boys bathroom and a little later I heard her and my gardener talking. At first, I thought they were in the kitchen but then it sounded like it was from upstairs. I went to my bedroom and I could hear him talking from the spare bathroom so I went in and she was standing there talking and Nelson was scrubbing the shower. I am not sure how he got up there because they had to have went right behind my back and I never heard them. I asked them both what he was doing in the house scrubbing the shower and she asked me to call my driver. Baptista said he was helping her with cleaning the toilet. I think she could tell I was a little upset so she went and had Nelson leave and then she asked me to come and look at the shower and she was acting like she was out of breath from scrubbing so much. I called Kenny immediately and told him and he said he would tell our driver to talk to Nelson and tell him that this is not his job and to not let Fatima tell him what to do. She is always yelling at him out of the house and telling him to do something. He is a really nice guy and does anything I ask him to do but she is taking advantage of him for sure. We have decided we will let her finish out the year because it is only for about 3 more weeks and when we leave for Oklahoma we will pay her and tell her we do not need her anymore. I have tried giving her chances and showing her things over and over and over again but for her to make the gardener do her work and for her to bring him in my house without asking me is not right. I am ready for the weekend for sure!! :-)

Tomorrow the boys have tennis lessons, Jacob has boy scouts and then we are going to take a new family to church with us and then out to eat at the Chinese place in town.

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