Monday, May 28, 2012

Tonight the ELC had a art exhibition. ELC is the 3 & 4 year old kids. Jared didn't have much art on display because he likes to bring his home when he makes it. :-) He showed us all the things they do in the art room and his art that was on display.


Can you guess what this is? I will give you a is not a green on a golf course. :-) Its a pear!!!

Light table.

A pig mask.

He showed us the clay table.

They promote healthy eating here...which I am thankful for. However, today I was sent home this note for sending Teddy Grahams in Jared's lunch box. I would say since September I have sent these in his lunch at least 3 times a week. He can not have chips so this is his chips. I usually send chocolate ones but I thought I would just get the cinnamon ones this time and then I get this note. I did write back and told them I have sent these everyday and now with 2 weeks of school left I get a note that they are not healthy. I understand where they are coming from but I think they have to be a little bit reasonable seeing how we live in Luanda and half the time all the fruit is rotten in the stores. It wasn't chocolate cake or candy. I haven't decided if I will send them in his lunch tomorrow or not. :-) These ladies will be glad to see my face on the PTA board next year I am sure. :-)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Jason!!!

Happy Birthday to the best big brother a girl could have. I hope you have a good birthday with your girls and Keaton. Miss you lots and will see you in about 12 days!!!!!

I tried to find some really embarrassing pictures of you but I don't have very many. I will have to fix that this summer. LOVE YOU LOTS!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A little of everything

I started sewing again. My arm hurts some days and some days it doesn't so I figured I might as well sew through it. :) 16 more days and I can go see the doctor and see if there is anything they can do about it. 

I am really liking making purses. 

I made this skirt for Hana just to see if I could make a skirt. 

More purses.

I have made a lot of these water cooler covers and plastic bag holders.

Poor Jared has been so sick the last two days. He woke me up Wednesday morning about 5:30am with a 101 temp. I took him to the clinic and they did a malaria test and it was negative. They said it was a virus going around. They gave him antibiotics and some vitamin B to take. Today he has ran a low grade fever until tonight it has spiked back to 101. Looks like he might get another day at home with mom tomorrow. 
It's so different here when someone gets sick and running fever. In the US we would probably wait it out for a day and if it doesn't get better then we would go to the doctor. Since you can get malaria here if someone has cold like symptoms we go straight to the clinic. It's going to be weird when we move somewhere else not to have to take them as soon as they are running a fever. 

Katie and I found some pig snouts at Kero today. Only cost $20...maybe I should try pig snout soup....or NOT!! :-)

I am so glad I brought my ice cream maker because there is no way I would pay $15 for a pint of ice cream. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Spring Fair

Today was the spring fair at the school. The kids could buy tickets and play games.
Jared with his Henna art.

Me getting the Henna on my hand.

My finished product. She said the paint or dye is made from a plant. It dries in about 20 minutes and then it flakes off and you are left with the picture below. It is supposed to last about a week. Katie and I are going to learn how to do it on Monday.

Jacob getting the Henna and his hand below.

Jared playing on the bounce house.

Jared fishing for ducks.

Jared fishing.

Jacob playing splat the rat.

Jared throwing wet sponges.

Jacob playing chunk the chicken.

This game was called Key Lock Door and it was the game we picked for Jacob class.

The boys playing Limbo.

Easter 2012

I just realized that I hadn't posted any pictures from Easter. 

 The compound has a group that meets on Sundays and sings songs and acts out bible stories. They had a little service on Easter and then had a brunch and an egg hunt. 

The boys hunting Easter Eggs.

Jared and Nico