Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Break

We are on our 3rd week in America for summer break and it has been wonderful so far. I will try to update my blog this weekend with pictures and what we have been up to so far. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Early Father's Day!!

The boys gave Kenny his father's day present this morning since we will not be here on father's day.

I think he liked it. Golfing in Angola and golf supplies waiting on him in the US.

I sure do love these 3 boys!!!!

Food & Mosaic

We have been craving lettuce so I found some at the store and it tasted delicious too. The down cost $12.

 Katie told me about this sausage so we tried it yesterday with beans and rice and it was very good. I am not sure how much it cost.....probably $10 since it taste good. :-)

 Katie and I finally finished our mosaic soap dispensers. I love how it turned out. I made it zebra pattern with some mirror pieces.

First and Last Day of School

Here are pictures of the boys from the first day and last day of school this year. They have both grown up so much this year.
                                                                                                       August 2011                                                                        June 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Olympic Games

Sunday the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts had an Olympic Games. They carried the torch around the park to start the games and after the games they had a medal ceremony. The ladies that planned it did an excellent job and all the kids had a blast.

All the Girl and Boy Scouts



Jared and Nico at the Water Bridge station. They had to paddle across the pool on the rafts without falling in. They made it the entire way.

Jared and Nico jousting. All the kids loved this station.

Nico, Miles, Jared and I can not remember the other kids name. (Katie will find this funny because I never remember his mom's name either.)

I think Jared is ready for this match.

Spitting contest. Jared won first on his team. All that watermelon seed spitting paid off. 

Water relay

If you remember from Jared's picture I said the concept of this game was to be sitting on the raft and make it across the pool without falling off. These kids never could get on the rafts. It was the funnest thing. They ended up paddling across the pool like this.

Jacob was being lazy on the way back and so his daddy helped Max knock him off.

Max & Jacob jousting. I think they liked this station the most. I know the parents watching did. They laughed so hard the entire time. 

They even had a trumpet player for the closing ceremony.

Jared with his medal.

Miles and Jared. These two have became really good friends and I am so thankful for that. 

Jacob getting his medal.

I love that cute face.

This is another friendship I am so proud of. My kids picked some good kids to be friends with. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 9th...where are you??

This week has been supper busy, a little stressful, and very sad. I had my first company tea on Tuesday and I remembered why I will NEVER do it again. Monday and Tuesday afternoon I went to the boys classes and helped their classes make letters for their teachers and gave them a little present for the end of the year. Wednesday we had mosaic class to finish our soap dispensers. Yesterday, we(the new PTA board) had our first meeting at the school. The ladies that will not be here next year really ran us through the ringer. I am hoping we have some nicer moms attend the meetings next year. :-) Today our Egyptian friends are leaving Angola for good. I have spent most of the day with them at their house and it was very hard to say goodbye. They are some of the nicest people we have meet.

To top off the day, I had one of our bus moms screaming at me. She is new at riding the bus and last week Jacob came home almost in tears because she wouldn't let Jared ride by him on the bus. I simply asked her to please allow my boys to ride by each other unless they are causing problems and if they are please let me know and I will take care of it at home. I just didn't want them to be punished for nothing. She said I was acting like she was only doing this to my kids and she was doing it to all kids on the bus because they are to noisy. I told her I never have a problem with the kids being to loud on the bus and I let them all ride by each other. She said they drive her crazy and this was the rule and if I didn't like the way she was doing it I could take her place on Fridays. I asked her to please stop yelling at me because I was just trying to have a conversation with her. I don't think she heard that part. :-) After about 5 minutes of being yelled at I told her I would make sure my boys didn't ride the bus when she was bus mom and I said thank you and bye. Kenny said I should have hung up on her when she first started yelling. I just wanted to have a conversation with her about my kids on the bus but apparently she took it personal. When the boys got off the bus I asked them about it and they said she wouldn't let them ride in the back of the bus but they were able to ride together.

After this I am done with all things company related when it comes to these women. I am not going to put myself in a situation that I have to deal with this kind of behavior. We are all grown adults and we are all in this together. We should be able to have adult conversations about our kids when it comes to the bus and how they are acting. I will be the first to say I want to know if my kids are not acting right on the bus and I will take care of it. Apparently, this is not going to be the case.

Here are a few pictures from the week. Also, last Friday Jacob had his end of the year party at our compound.

This is one of my favorites of these two...because this is totally them.

I love this picture from Jacob's end of the year pool party. You have a child from America, Angola, Portugal and Scotland. This is why I live here!!