Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jared's teeth

Jared's bottom two adult teeth came in around December 5th behind his baby teeth.
Jared finally lost his first tooth on December 22nd. He wouldn't let us pull it so he pulled it himself. The tooth fairy left him $5.00.

Jacob said he was lucky that the tooth fairy left Jared American money and not Kwanzaas. Now he can spend it in the US. You can see in this picture how loose his other bottom tooth is.

When Jared was going to bed last night his tooth was laying on it's side. We were afraid he would swallowing it in the night so we wouldn't let him go to bed until he pulled it. He did it himself again and it came out quick. He lost his second tooth on December 26th and the tooth fairy left him $3.00.


Here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks while the boys have been out of school.
Jacob being silly in the car.

Last day with Max!!!!

We said our good byes. Max, Fletcher, Jacob, Miles, Jared, Sophie and Molly. What a great group of kids.
My friend Flor. He sales and makes the Africa items.

These two guys are a treat to know for sure. They help me every time I go to the market. The one on the left in Johnny and the other guy goes by Rambo. They know English from helping people at the market. They help get better deals and translate for you. 

Mom and Dad's giraffe and elephant.

Judy's table she asked me to buy.

Judy's giraffes.

Table runners for Judy.


I have got a few projects done in the last few weeks.
Here is my cross I finally finished.

I made stockings for my driver and maids kids and the boys helped me fill them.

I made my nieces an apron.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I have put this post off because I know it will lead to me crying. I am sure most everyone knows by now that we are leaving Angola on December 29th. It is for sure bittersweet. I knew we would be leaving this year but expected it to be in June. When we found out 2 weeks ago that it was happening in December instead my heart dropped. I just wasn't prepared to leave already. If I was in my first 3 months here I would have jumped on the opportunity to leave. It's different now with friends and being involved at the school and the compound.

Things I will miss about Angola(yes I said MISS)! The school....the boys love it here and the school. They are doing so well in school and have made so many friends in the short time we have been here. The teaching method here works for my boys. The is so nice that the boys can come home from school and go play without me having to worry about them. Every one's doors are open at all times to any child in the compound. I know that anyone in this compound would help or correct my boys and I am so thankful for that. The here is so much slower and laid back. Baptista....for sure Baptista has been the best driver ever. He has become much more than just a driver for us. He has became a part of our family. We will miss him so much.

Sela....I don't know what I would do without her. Other than cleaning my house she has become a great friend. She is awesome with the boys and has also became part of our family. She is someone I will never forget.

Friends....I have made some of the greatest friends living here. Bev...I really just got to know her this year being on the PTA together. I wish I had gotten to know her sooner. She has truly been a blessing in my life and I will always remember her Scottish words. I hope to see her someday in the US.

Mimi....She is someone I will always remember. She is so sweet and caring and would do anything for anyone. I will forever remember "The Mimi mobile" as my boys call it. one of the most energetic, positive, motivating and nicest person I know. I can honestly say she has changed my life. She believed in me when I didn't. There were many nights I thought I am not going to exercise class tomorrow and she must have been reading my mind. When I checked my email before bed there would be an email from her saying what a strong woman I am and how much she enjoys me being at class and what a good job I am doing. Who could skip class after that!! 

I have saved the best for last....KATIE!!! What would I have done in Angola without her. She has been my rock when I needed it. She has been my shoulder to cry on. She has been my shopping companion. She has kept me out of trouble...most of the time. She has kept me from volunteering for things she knew I didn't want to do and she has even volunteered us for things I didn't want to do(PTA). I have to say PTA has been fun though. Thanks Katie!! She has taught me that I am stronger than I thought I was. She is my happy on days I didn't think I could survive another day here. She has taught me how to  sew and even made me learn a little Portuguese along the way. It will definitely not be the same not seeing her smiling face everyday. Believe it or not I will even miss sacking her groceries when we go shopping. Even though I will be many, many miles away I still expect to talk to her on a daily basis!!! I know God has put her in my life for a reason and we will meet again someday soon. Katie you will always be something more than a friend to me. I have made some great friends here in Luanda but you are something special that not many people get to experience. Thank you for being there for me this last year and a half. It has made living in a place like Luanda a true blessing. 

Happy Birthday

I know this is a few weeks late but I have been super busy and just now getting a chance to catch up on my blog. Kenny is one of the best men I have had in my life. He is the rock of our family and a great husband and dad. He is the person I always go to and he is definitely my best friend. It was a small birthday but I think he was pleased. The boys had a blast decorating for him and making his cake.

Sela even joined in by singing Happy Birthday in Portuguese.

If you know Kenny this was the best present for him...GRAY and OU tshirt!!!

Santa and Elfy

Elfy hasn't been up to much lately. He has pulled a few pranks but mostly just hanging out and watching the boys. 

Elfy did hang the boys undies from their stockings one night.

I took the boys last week to the mall to see Santa and have their picture taken with him. They told me at 10:15am that he was supposed to be there at 10. I took the boys and their friend Grant at 11am and still no Santa. We had lunch at KFC and had my driver talk to the elf and she said he wouldn't be there until 4pm. Not sure about that but it is Angola after all. :-)

This was the skinniest Santa I have ever seen. The boys thought it was so funny that he was so skinny. :-) They kept saying he needs to eat more cookies. I told them Santa must be out of fat elf's to help him.

To our surprise he spoke a little English so the boys were able to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. This is the first picture and probably the only picture I will have of the boys with Santa while in sorts and sandals. 

What's going on?

A group of us girls went fishing a couple of weeks ago. We didn't catch anything but we had a blast together.

We found this for kids that is an obstacle course in the water.
These ladies, Katie and Bev, I will miss the most. 

We seen this Hot Dog lady while going fishing.

I just love these two boys....even with long hair. :-)

My fly boy!!!

Jacob and his friend Lewis.

Jared, Lewis and Jacob

I am not sure the name of this restaurant but every time I see it I think of KFC so I assume this means Kentucky Fried Frango(chicken).

Jared is on his way to loosing his bottom teeth. He is a little scared to pull them so for now he is growing 4 teeth. 

Katie and I went fabric shopping one last time for me. These are actually for some other ladies in the US.