Monday, September 26, 2011

Things I hate/love about living in Luanda & miss from the USA

Things I hate:
Mosquito's and having to wear bug spray instead of perfume.
Spending $2,000 a month on groceries and never finding what you really need.
Having to go through 3 different lines to check out, pay and have them check your items.
Sleeping under a mosquito net.
Paying $1.00 for 1 hanger.
Having to go to 4 different stores to get everything you need and still not finding everything.
Finding something you like only to not be able to buy it for another month.
Spending $10 for 1lb of hamburger meat and it is not the best thing to eat.
Having to smell the hot dogs and hamburger meat before you cook them to see if it is any good.
Eating stale cereal and chips.
Skimming the bugs off the top of the water when you cook rice because you can not buy it without them. Everyone says it's just extra protein. :-)
Having to show the maid 5 million times how to run the washing machine and dishwasher.
One way streets and having to go 2 miles out of the way to get to where you are going.
No one gets in a hurry every, for any reason....except in the car and they honk non stop.
Not being able to drive myself.
Not being able to go outside after 6pm because the mosquito's are so bad.....and the fogger truck driving by every night to kill mosquito's.
Not being able to speak the language.
The parties across the street.
Exchanging money.
The electricity going off ALL THE TIME. :-)
Riding the bus to school and back to get the kids.(Like...because get to see the kids...Hate...because the driver drives like a bat out of you know what and I get car sick very easily.)

Things I like(don't know that I can say Love):
Being able to exercise every morning.
The rolls from Kero.
Having a maid and gardener (sometimes)
Having a driver that goes into the grocery store with me and pushes my buggy for me.
Having a driver that speaks English.
Getting to experience this different culture and the kids as well.
The school the boys go to.
The community of families in our compound.
The boys being able to go to the park by themselves and I don't have to worry about their safety.
Being together as a family again.
The weather so far. :-)
All the fruit in our back yard.
The vacations to come in Africa.
Eating healthier.
No bills to pay every month.
All the opportunities the boys have to learn new sports and going to school with kids from all over the world.
Not having to pay for gas.

Things I miss from the USA:
Driving myself
Cream of Chicken soup
Sour cream
Pepperoni pizza (Jacob)
Football games
Family and Friends
Being able to go somewhere whenever I want
Fountain drinks
WALMART (never thought I would say it but I did)
Hair dresser
Being able to go grocery shopping at one store for 2 weeks worth of food and only spending $300.
Walking to moms just to visit.

I am sure there are many more things that I can add but I must go get on the bus to ride it to school to pick up all the kids.

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