Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Time to stay

Today was not a terrific day for me. Normally, I am the happy-go-lucky girl that tries to be positive about being here and the day to day life. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up and the fact that it feels nothing like either is getting me a little down. Maybe if it wasn't in the 90's with 90% humidity everyday it might make it a little easier. I have been trying to bake pies for the first time thinking it would help but it hasn't.

We are staying here for Christmas this year and this will be the first year we have not been with family. I thought it would be easy but it is getting harder the closer it gets.

Everything is still up in the air on what will happen with our visas...will we be approved to renew them or not. I am not the best planner in the world but I do like to have somewhat of a clue as to what will happen in the next couple of months. We have no control over it and I think that makes things even worse. Even though last year at this time I would have loved for them to not approve our visas...this year is different. Since coming back in August I am at peace with being here. I can actually say I enjoy living here. The boys are loving it here. They are excelling in school and have made some great friends. I just don't feel that my time here is done.

We will put it in God's hands and he will lead us and protect us no matter what.

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