Monday, November 5, 2012

Interesting experience

Saturday I had a rotator coming to Luanda and he was kind enough to bring in two bags of spirit wear for the PTA. I had a phone call at 8:30am saying that he could not leave the airport with the bags because he didn't have an invoice. I had one so I told him I would bring it to the airport because they wouldn't let him leave. He was finally able to fill out some paper work to leave the bags so he could go ahead and leave. I went back to the airport to get the bags and they told me I had to have him fill out a paper giving me permission to get the bags. I went back to his house and then waited for Kenny to get home from work so he could keep the boys and Baptista and I went back to the airport to get the bags. It was about 3pm when we left the house. The location to pick up the bags was not connected to the airport and after already being there once with our passport agent I knew I would be the only white girl and I also knew I did not want to go alone. I had Baptista park and go with me. I would say there was at least 100 people in a room the size of my bedroom....with no air conditioner....and no windows....and no dial (if you know what I mean).

Once I got there I had to turn in my paperwork and wait for my name to be called. After I turned in my papers a Chinese gentleman came up and asked how long I had been there. I told him I just turned in my papers and he told me he had been waiting since 9am so I might not get my bags today. I thought I would wait an hour or so and if nothing had happened I would go back Monday morning. After about 5 minutes they called my name to go in the back room and find my bags. The room with the bags is about the size of a normal living room and had bags from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. I found my bags and then went into another room so they could check to make sure nothing had been taken from them. I told them they were ok and so they let me leave. When my name was called and I went to the back I heard a lot of ladies getting loud and my driver told me that they were saying she just got here and already went back. Someone had seen me that morning and said she was here and came back. I am thankful for that person because I was soon to find out that these ladies were not someone I wanted mad at me.

Once I checked my bags I had to wait until they gave me an invoice to pay. In the meantime this group of ladies were called to look at their bags and they came out screaming and waving their arms and pushing the guards. They were very upset to say the least. I made my way back by the door just incase I needed to leave. :) After a few minutes everyone calmed down so I went and stood by my driver so I could hear them call my name. The same group of women went to the back and came out carrying one of their friends. She eventually fainted and they left her on the floor as they continued their ranting. Now they were between me and the door. I was ok until the cops came in trying to push the ladies out of the building. The ambulance came and took the lady of the floor and her friends were still very upset. I told my driver I wanted to get out of there and he kept reassuring me that I was ok and that we should stay put. I can honestly say that I didn't feel like I would be harmed by them I was just afraid I was going to get caught in the middle of something. My driver was very good about keeping me calm and helping me feel as secure as possible. After they called my name and we left the building Baptista said the ladies were mad because they were going to have to pay $900 in taxes for one bag of women's jeans. I was thinking I didn't care how much I had to pay I just want to get my bags and get the hell out. :-) We walked to the airport bank to pay the taxes and then back to the building to show them my receipt and guess what....WAIT AGAIN. They finally called my name and we got the bags and found someone to help us carry them to our car. Baptista said pay him 1000kwz ($10) for helping. Once he wheeled our bags down the middle of the highway and I paid him guess what.....he wasn't happy and he wanted more money....of course he did. I got in the car and locked the door and asked Baptista if I should give him more and he said no. He told the guy he was ok and we drove off.

Once we left the airport I told Baptista I will never go back there again to get bags they can just stay there. He said everything was ok and there was no problem. Of course everything was ok...that was normal behavior I witnessed. This is my new reality...I keep forgetting that. :-) I must not have been frighted to much because I am already feeling like I could handle that again. :-) Next time Baptista will have to go by himself. :-)

Below is a picture of the guy wheeling our bags down the middle of the highway. Only in Angola would you see this. :)

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