Sunday, November 4, 2012


Kenny made this from a pineapple.

One day over October break the boys made painted toast. We did it with milk and food coloring and then cooked them in the oven. Sela thought we were a little strange but went along with it and let the boys paint some for her.

The new gardener is doing a great job with the yard and garden. He asked to get some fertilizer for the garden so I gave him some money and had my driver take him. I thought it was going to be granules but I was way wrong. It ended up being cow manure. It stunk around my house for a good 2 weeks. This was the garden the week he put fertilizer down. The next picture is it about 2 weeks later.

Jared's class is learning about recycling and taking care of the world. He had some items he was saving to take to school and decided he would recycle them into a gun instead. My boys could turn anything into a gun...what is it with boys. :-)

A couple of weeks ago Katie and I got together and made cream of chicken powder mix, pickles, jalapeno jelly, and roteal. It all turned out very good.

After church one Saturday night we tried a new pizza place. The inside was so nice and clean and NO mosquito's(that is always a plus). The pizza was ok but not the best. We were a little disappointed because of how nice the place was...we were really hoping for some really good food. 

Here is Jacob at the pizza place. He had been swimming all day...can you tell.

Bad picture but this is the downstairs of the restaurant.

This is outside. It was dark so I had a hard time getting a good picture.

One day last week Jacob was having a really bad day. He had guitar the night before so he was up late and then had swimming after school so he was really tired. Anyone that knows Jacob when he is tired it is not a pretty picture. Once he went to bed and calmed down he gave Kenny and I this note. I love this kid so much. He cares so much about everyone and is so sensitive. He is the best big brother and always looks after Jared and makes sure he gets to class in the morning and he picks him up everyday from his classroom and walks him to the bus even if he has after school activities. He has his bad moments or days but don't we all. Sometimes I have to remember that I too have bad days. I think it's hard to remember that when kids are grouchy and complain...they are just little adults. 

Here is another little boy that I just can not get enough of. His friend is a pretty cool kid too. :-) These two are like two peas in a pod. They are always together....I am not sure where they get that from. :-)

Last weekend was party central in our compound. There was a huge party Friday night...the biggest I have seen. They brought in 3 big tents and lots and lots of chairs. The music started about 8pm and didn't end until 4am. I thought I had Saturday and Sunday to get some sleep until we went swimming Saturday morning and seen they were not tearing down the party but setting up for another one.

Day 2 of parties...even a red carpet.

Last Saturday after church we took the boys to a Chinese place Kenny and I have been to. We normally order sweet and sour chicken but they said they didn't have any. We decided to just get a beef that Kenny had in the past. They brought out pork and said that is what we ordered. We told them ok we would pay for that but bring us this other dish of beef. It ended up not being the one Kenny got either. So now we had 3 meals that no one liked and some rice. Everyone ate their rice and we got the rest to go. We gave our driver all the food and then came home and had a $200 bowl of cereal. UGH!!

Last week after school they had a concert. The boys really liked it for the first 15 mins and then Jared said, "It is getting boring just watching violins." I had to agree and I think Miles did too.

We have finally found some peanut butter. It cost $6.50 for this little 11oz jar. When your kids only eat PB&J sandwiches for lunch you don't have much of an option but to buy it. I was going to try and make my own but they stopped selling the peanuts they used to have. 

Katie and Adam dressed up for Halloween. I have many more pictures from Halloween that I will try and get posted.

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