Friday, November 23, 2012

Chinese and more!!!!

We tried a new Chinese Restaurant a few weeks ago and it is the best so far.

The boys needed to go to the restroom and I told Jacob this is the boys and he said it was the smoke room. :-)

These are new to the Jones family. Jared called the elephant Elly and my cousin said I should name the giraffes Will and Grace.

Katie and I seen this lamp at a store here and thought it was kind of funny. "Press my Navel. Give you Big Surprise. He he"

I will not make the same mistake I did last time. This time I bought 20 loafs of bread and froze them. That should last us awhile. 

It has rained a lot lately. The roads all have tons of dirt on them now. This is why we see them sweeping them all the time I guess. 

These are some of the back roads we have to take to the stores.

Jared is studying recycling and they are making an "Awesome House" out of recycled materials. Here is a tree with grass and flowers he made Wednesday night. We even made homemade paint.

My second attempt ever at making a pecan pie and crust and it turned out awesome. We have been cooking all day getting ready for our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. We are having over Katie and her family, Bev and her family, Thomas and possibly one other person. We are for sure going to miss the Amer family this year. I am so Thankful we have such a wonderful group of friends in Angola. 

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