Thursday, November 8, 2012

Smiles, Zip Ties and Little People

Look at this sweet girl in her Egyptian outfit. I miss this face but the laugh that goes with it even more. Only two more months and I will get to hug her to pieces. 

 It has been raining every day here. It's a good thing because it helps keep the heat away. The bad part is the humidity and the million mosquitos that come with it.
The other day when we were stuck in traffic we saw this guy. Our first thought was the hard hat...that will not keep him safe.

We had a closer look at his motorcycle and noticed the front wheel held on with a zip tie....I think the whole helmet thing is the least of his worries. 

I am helping Jared's class with Book/Art week at the end of November. I had to come up with a craft project to do with 20 kids. We decided to trace the kids bodies and have them decorate themselves. Jared helped me practice to make sure everything would work out. Do you see the resemblance?

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