Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Busy Busy

I have been so busy the last few weeks with PTA. We have our big International Day Celebration next Saturday. It is one of the biggest events we have at LIS. We have about 28 countries participating with booths and performances and a parade with all the countries represented at LIS. We have been having weekly meetings to prepare and trying to get sponsors for drinks and the silent auction. It has been a nightmare to say the least. I go to exercise classes in the morning and then do something for PTA and when I get home I have about an hour before Jared gets home.

Jacob has been asked to be on the swim team and so he started after school swimming two days a week. So now he has African art on Monday, swim on Tuesday, guitar lessons on Wednesday, first aid on Thursday and swim again on Friday. He is probably busier than I am. He has been with a math tutor all year to get faster with his math and he has improved tremendously. His spelling has been great. He has made 100's on every test so far. I told him I would give him $25 if he made a 100 on all his test for the year and then Kenny told him he would double it. So far so good still. He is doing so good on his guitar. He knows how to play Happy Birthday, Amazing Grace and a few other songs already. His problem is he hates to practice. :-)

Jared is not able to do any after school activities this year but he is doing swim lessons on Fridays in our compound and he plans to play in the soccer games this weekend. On his swimming he has caught on so well since September. It's likes something just clicked. His swim teacher is holding a swim match the last Friday of November for all his students. Jared is very excited and has been practicing really hard. At his last lesson he swam the length of the big pool. He is doing really good at his reading and writing and he is all about adding things together. Since September he has also learned how to ride his bike without training wheels and tie his shoes. He is growing up way too fast!!!!

We have no big plans for the weekend except soccer Saturday morning and church Saturday evening. Hope everyone has a GREAT week!!!! These smiles will make anyones week GREAT!!! :-)

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