Wednesday, April 10, 2013

March 2013

We are still alive and I know I am way behind. To catch up I am just going to do one post on March. We have been busy with school, baseball, subbing, spring break and LIFE!!!

We celebrated my little brothers birthday and had his girlfriend and kids come down as a surprise. We got him too. :) It was a fun weekend spending time with all the cousins.

Keaton and Jared.

Jason and our bonfire.

We got our shipment from Africa!!!

Keaton...I love this little guy.

I caught Kenny going "blip blip blip on his telly thing." 

We had Bear visit us for a few days. He got lost from his home. Sophie didn't like him being around.

Emma in her apron I made her. Now I need to get Julia's finished. :) She IS a hick but she DOES have all her teeth...just being silly with a fruit roll up. :-)

Jacob got his first black eye by bumping heads with his brother at RE class. 

We had Colton's birthday at Mema's and Pepa's house.

Kensley and her uncle Kenny.

Tristen, Jacob and Mema

Yes, this is what I live with. His sons act just like him too. Please pray for me. :-)

Jared had his school musical. It was 50s theme.

Isn't he the cutest thing you have ever seen. :-)

Jared and his teacher Mrs. Brewer. She is the sweetest thing.

We attended a wedding of Kenny's cousin. It was very very cold and outside but also very very beautiful.

The best father-in-law in the world and his better half. :-)

Sorry for the bad picture but this is Cassadi and her daddy.

Kenny built some raised garden beds so we can plant some veggies at moms. Until we got all the dirt in the beds this is what the boys did with the dirt. 

The boys are very lucky to have their great-grandparents on Kenny side still here. They are spoiled just a little bit by them too. I don't really expect anything less though. :-) The boys sure do love it too. :-) This was morning after the wedding. Mema and Pepa were camping at the lake and the boys asked for their favorite....Breakfast at the Lake. Of course the answer was yes. Jared eggs and sausage and Jacob waffles with sausage between them. :)

Jared was caught being good at school the week before Easter and so he received an egg full of candy.

Little Theodore. Brandy was brave enough to let grandma Judy and me take him for the day and then he stayed the weekend with grandma. He is such a good baby. 

We went to Applebees for lunch and this guy was our waiter.  We both said we knew each other but it took the entire meal for us to figure it out. He played in the drum line of the band I was in at Southeastern State University. (Yes Katie I nerd.) :)

Josh and Theo hanging out. 

Jared and his funky egg.

Josh's funky egg.

For Easter Sunday mom and I usually buy cinnamon rolls instead of the church buying donuts. This year I opened my mouth and said, "I can make cinnamon rolls now..since living in Africa." I thought it was a good idea until about 11pm the night before. We ended up making over 100 with Lena's help.

The Easter bunny came and remembered to get the bendable rabbits that he apparently gets every year...except last year in Africa. I was told then that the African Easter bunny was not as good as the American Easter bunny. :-) 

I sure miss these cuties. 

I sure am the luckiest aunt because I have the cutest nieces and nephew.

The boys seeing their Easter baskets. The Easter bunny even left a trail of eggs from their room to their baskets.
They got these cool bean bag chairs too. Way to think ahead Easter bunny. :-)

The boys and I . We sure missed Kenny on Easter but are so thankful he is working so hard for us to be here with our family right now. 

Nana and Papa..aka my parents. 

My little brother and Emma Lou!!!

Josh with Lena and "their" kids. :-) I so love this picture and the look on every ones explains it all.

We were missing 3 grand kids but had to get our Easter picture with Nana and Papa.

Can you tell which two are the ornery ones?

My poor parents...this is truly life at their house all the time.

I love these two...even on days they make me want to pull my hair out. 

Ready for the hunt.

Graham found some eggs.

Look at all the prize eggs they found.

Next is Spring Break and our trip to Florida. Now you know why I haven't posted lately....I have been just a little bit busy. :-)

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