Friday, April 19, 2013

Jared's first Tball game Spring 2013

Jared played his first game of the opening season tournament tonight and he did great. He made it on base every bat. He did great at fielding on third base and as pitcher. Tomorrow he has two more games at 9am and 12pm. Jacob starts at 8am and then depending on if they win or loose how many more games he will play.

A funny story on Jared's game tonight....they have this little boy that just turned 4 and has never played ball before and he always chases the ball when he hits it instead of going to first. They finally got him to run to first and he carries his bat the whole way. He made it there safe and when it was time for him to run to second the ball was hit to the outfield and he ran right past second and tackled the kid with the ball (on the other team) and took it from him and threw it in. It was the funnest thing ever. I wish I would have gotten a video of it.

We even got to see my niece Kensley play. She did really good.

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