Saturday, April 20, 2013

Baseball times 6

We made it through 6 ballgames today. It started at about 7:30am and finished about 3:30pm. It was so cold this the 40s probably...but ended up warming up to the middle 70s. The wind was about 20mph out of the south which was good at times and bad. I am covered in dirt from head to toe. :-) The boys had a blast today and that is all that counts. Jacob lost his first game and then we were at tball and Jared won. Then we headed back to PeeWee were the Rebels pulled off a win. Then we were able to watch my niece Kensley play a game of tball and then back to Jared with another win. Last was Jacob with a close game but they couldn't pull off another win. On the first game Jacob pitched one inning and struck out one batter and had one ball hit that was caught in the air.

Now we rest up a day and have 2 games Monday night and 2 games Tuesday night. I am loving me some baseball!!!

I love seeing these close ups....see the tongue. :-) One of these days it's going to get bit off. 

Tongue in this one too.

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