Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Break 2013 - Florida

We went to Tampa and Orlando for about 7 days before Kenny left for Africa. I felt so bad for him because we came back on a Thursday and we had to leave our hotel at 6am and we got to Dallas at noon and had to drive 2 1/2 hours home and then trade suitcases and drive 1 hour to put him on a plane to Houston so he could fly to Angola Friday. I am sure he was exhausted and Angola is not known as the place to relax. (Katie can understand this.)

Anyway, Florida was a blast and none of us wanted to leave.

Day 1 - Disney World-Universal
Jared road the haunted mansion ride with me. He is so brave when it comes to roller coasters. 

One of Jacob's favorite roller coaster...the Rockin Roller Coaster.

This was Jared's first time to ride a roller coaster that does a flip.....and this is the picture they took of us on the ride. I love how we are all flipping out and Jared is just sitting there like nothing is going on. 

Every day a plane would write messages in the sky.

Aren't we cute. :-)

Jacob loves Indiana Jones and he was so excited to see the show.

The boys loved the car stunt show too.

Day 2 - Tampa-Yankees Spring Training Game

The reason I LOVE the Yankees #2!!!!

The boys showing their autograph from pitcher Andy Pettitte.


Andy Pettitte

Signing Jacob's glove.

Signing Jared's ball.

My boys!!!

Day 3 - Our Hotel -Nickelodeon

Movie night at the pool.

Jacob after being slimmed...Can you see the green eye brows.

I love this man.

Jacob and I on Double Dare. Our team won and we had to do the obstacle course.

Yes I am dressed like a hot dog...don't ask. :-)

Day 4 - Legoland

Day 5 - Universals Island Adventure

Kenny Junior

Hulk...this was one of the biggest roller coasters I have ever rode. Jacob loved it too.

Can you find Jacob and Jared?

Harry Potter

We rode this ride and ended up like......


The boys were hungry.

Hang Loose!

Cool Dude.

Wipe out.

Can you tell they like how many pictures I take. :-)

Day 6 - Universal Studios

I sure love this man!!!

It started pouring on us right before the park opened. We were able to ride a couple indoor rides and then the rain stopped. 

Twister....Jacob did not like ride at all. He is not into storms at all. Every time we move somewhere he always ask if they have tornadoes or what they have. 

We had so much fun on this vacation. 

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