Thursday, February 7, 2013

Not much going on

Not a lot going on around here. The boys are still loving being back home and going to school here. Jacob has started baseball a couple days a week and he is so excited. I love how much he loves baseball. I have subbed every day except yesterday and today. It is kind of nice to have a day off every once in a while. I really enjoy subbing though. It's a lot easier than I expected. The kids love asking me questions about Africa and how to say things in Portuguese. Jared's reading is going great. It amazes me how quick he has caught on and how much he has grown up this year. He is not a little boy anymore. :( Jacob is still taking guitar lessons and still doing a great job. He is learning a Beetles song now and it is sounding great. Jared is taking piano lessons and he is catching on so fast. Last week he played Yankee Doodle and it was very good also.

I talked to Katie yesterday and it was so nice to hear her voice. We text back and forth every day all day but sometimes I just need to hear me some Katie voice. :) I can not believe how fast we became friends and what a strong bound we have. I don't know that I have ever had a friend like her and I thank God everyday for her. Her mom is going to Angola later this month to stay for a couple of weeks and I so wish I would be there to meet her.

Kenny is still in Angola and is supposed to leave this Saturday to come home. It has been a long 3 weeks without him and we are ready for him to be home. We had a little scare earlier this week and wasn't for sure when he would be home. He turned in his passport when he got there to try for another kind of visa and just planned on leaving the country on his second passport and receipt. Monday or Tuesday he looked at his second passport and it had expired November 2012. So without a passport he couldn't leave the country. He looked to see when he could get an appointment with the embassy and the first one was next Thursday. He was able to call them yesterday and get an appointment for today. I just talked to him a little while ago and he has his new passport and receipt so he will be able to leave on Saturday still. YEA!!!!! Baptista took him to the embassy today and on their way back to the office Kenny called and so the boys and I were able to talk to Baptista and it was so nice to hear his voice. I sure miss seeing his smiling face everyday.

Hope everyone has a GREAT Thursday!!!!

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