Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jared's teeth

Jared's bottom two adult teeth came in around December 5th behind his baby teeth.
Jared finally lost his first tooth on December 22nd. He wouldn't let us pull it so he pulled it himself. The tooth fairy left him $5.00.

Jacob said he was lucky that the tooth fairy left Jared American money and not Kwanzaas. Now he can spend it in the US. You can see in this picture how loose his other bottom tooth is.

When Jared was going to bed last night his tooth was laying on it's side. We were afraid he would swallowing it in the night so we wouldn't let him go to bed until he pulled it. He did it himself again and it came out quick. He lost his second tooth on December 26th and the tooth fairy left him $3.00.

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