Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I know I am way behind on my blog so I will try to get caught up. We left Luanda in December and it was a very sad goodbye. We left friends that had became like family. We left a culture that in the beginning was hard for us to accept but in the end was harder for us to leave. I miss everyone so much but we are also having a blast being with family right now. God has blessed us so much and we are ready for whatever he has in store for us next.

These pictures are in no particular order but just a few pictures of what we have been up to since we returned to Oklahoma.

I sure miss Sela lots.

 I miss Baptista lots too.

Of course Jacob had to have his Pizza Hut the first weekend we were here. The lady at Pizza Hut even gave Jacob the Mt. Dew for free when they heard he has been without it for 4 months because he was in Africa. 

Jared being silly at Wal-Mart.

Me being a stinker to Katie and sending her a picture from Target. She has received lots of these kinds of pictures since I left. I am surprised she is still my friend. :-)

I have enjoyed seeing my friends via the workout videos.

The boys first day of school in Marlow. January 3rd, 2013!!!

Lindsey and I doing some more of the exercise videos. 

We had a baby shower for my cousin Stephen and his wife Brandi and we had lots of kids to celebrate with us. Emma, Keaton, Maddie, Jared, Jacob, Wyatt, Julia and Emma.

Jared getting his teeth cleaned. He told the lady that the lights were too bright and she gave him sunglasses. 

Kenny got a new truck and I think he picked the biggest one on the lot.

Jared and I at Mema and Pepas house.

The girl I miss the most!!!! :( It's ok....because I know we will be friends for life and hopefully I will get to see her this summer.

Josh and I acting goofy at the home show.

The boys with their papa enjoying coffee and hot chocolate and watching the news. 

Jacob, Jared and Emma at the home show.

Last Sunday we surprised Julia by going to Ft. Worth to watch her sing in church. Her school also had their open house so we were able to see her classroom. She was so excited we came. After lunch the boys and her went to Barnes and Noble so she could get some points for school.

Jared being Jared!!! Miles this picture is for you Jared said. 

The 3 Amigos. After watching Julia sing we all went to lunch.

It was a little belated but Jacob had to have them sing to Lindsey. He loved it but she was a little embarrassed. We love you Lindsey.

Isn't he the sweetest kid. I hope he never gets to old to kiss his momma. :-)

I am fine with the fact that she acts just like her aunt. 

Today was the 100th day of school in Marlow and Jared made this shirt to wear today. He said everyone loved it.

Tonight when I got in bed I had this note from Jared on my pillow. I sure love this kid too. 

This is a mess of girls for sure. Emma, Julia and Emma.

Here is the cousins we had the baby shower for.

My favorite sister-in-law in the world and not just because she is my only one. :-)

My cousins Barbara and Debbie.

Great Aunt Judy showing Jared, Emma and Julia how to play a new game on her phone.

My nephew Keaton.

Brandi and I measuring her belly for the toilet paper game.

I leave you with a beautiful picture of my wonderful son Jacob.

I know the pictures are all over the place and I am sorry about that. I am not sure what happened when I loaded them they scrambled. You get the idea though we have been spending lots of time with family and friends and enjoying every minute of it. 

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