Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life in Oklahoma

Kenny was in the US for about 3 weeks and now he is back in Luanda. Hopefully, he will not be there much longer but we will share him if we have too. We still have no clue where or when we will be going next but we are enjoying our time with our family.

The boys have adjusted very well at the school and seem to love it. I applied last week to student teach and started today in a 3rd grade class. I was a little nervous to begin with but everything was great. I had a lot of fun and I think most of the kids liked me. :-) One little girl even drew me a picture that said I Will Miss You on the top. I will have to post a picture tomorrow. Before I left the school they asked me to sub tomorrow and possibly Thursday for the 5th grade science class. I am more nervous about theses older classes but I think everything will go fine. You will have to check back in tomorrow to see if I am still alive. :-)

I guess I need a new name for my blog...does anyone have any ideas?

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