Thursday, June 6, 2013

May 2013

May has been a busy month with substitute teaching and end of the year activities.

I have been subbing a lot in my nieces Pre-K classroom and she and I have been loving it. I took her and Jared to lunch a few days together.

She loves her Sophie dog. :-)

Emma on the last day of school with her teacher.

The boys had a track and field day at school.

The marched to the Middle School in a parade.

Jared raced in the 100 and 200 yard dash.

Jacob played soccer.

Relay races.

Mothers Day - I had a wonderful mothers day. Went to church with the family and went and took a few pictures at the park. 

Jared made me a "Dime-on-ring" for mothers day. 

Kenny and the boys got me a corsage for mothers day.

Wreath Making - Lindsey, Mom, Judy, Brandy and I went to OKC to learn how to make wreaths. It was a lot of fun until we left and got caught up in the tornadoes. We made it home safe and sound though.

I ended up making these wreaths for the boys teachers for the end of the school year. They loved them and I ended up selling 3 of them to other teachers. 

Putt Putt - A few weekends ago we cooked hamburgers at the park with the grandparents and Kenny's brother and son. The boys fished and then we all played putt putt.

This is Jacobs way of fishing. Let the fish come to you. He is the only one that caught a fish too. 

Jared fishing.

Mema and Pepa golfing.

Last weekend we helped cut down a tree at mom and dad and used some of it to have a hot dog roast and smores. 

Jared playing in the dirt and watching a worm crawl around.

Jared being silly and doing tricks on the trampoline.

Last RE class the kids played games and had a cook out. This one they had to catch Cheetos on their head.

Emma's Graduation

Last day of school

Jared and his helper teacher Mrs. Ousley 

Jared and his teacher Mrs. Brewer.

Jacob and his teacher from Marlow Mrs. Hines
First and last day of school. Africa August 2012 and Marlow May 2013.

Jacob first and last day of school. Can you tell he was excited about the last day of school. :-)

Jared first and last day of school.

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