Monday, October 15, 2012

What's going on?

Last Thursday we had the boys parent teacher conferences. They both said they are doing an awesome job.

Jared's teacher said he is a thinker and really thinks about what he is going to say before he says it. He never has ideas or says anything he doesn't feel like he can explain or carry out. She said he is always the engineer of the class. She says he loves math and is doing great at reading. He is always the first to help others out.

Jacob's teacher said he is the sweetest boy and always cares about others and watches out for the way others are treated. She said he tries very hard at everything he does. She said he is going to be the artist in the family. I believe that...he loves drawing and writing stories. She said he is a hands on learner because he does not like to sit still for long. :) I have heard that for the last 5 years he has been in school. She said he is a planner and always likes to know what the schedule is for the day. We also met up with his math teacher and she said that he is doing a great job. He has moved up in his levels very quickly.....but again has a hard time being still for very long. :-)

We are very proud of both boys and how they have grown since being at this school. Jacob finished his poster and gave his first speech last week. He was a little nervous the morning of but volunteered to go first. When the kids do things in front of the class their teacher allows them to receive 2 stars and a wish. Jacobs 2 stars: he didn't look at his poster much when giving his speech and he knew a lot about his topic (circulatory system). His wish: he needed to speak a little louder when talking. I love that she does this. It gives the kids positive feedback and also something they can work on from their peers.

Since Kenny worked such long hours the two week before last he took Thursday and Friday off. After the conferences we hung out around the house and then Friday we all went golfing. I have only went one other time and didn't care for it much but after Friday I think I might take some golf lessons. The boys and I had a blast and Kenny did too!!! Jacob is pretty good and Jared is an excellent putter. I think they both enjoyed getting to drive the golf carts more than the golfing.

Jared being silly.

So the grandparents do not worry...Jared only sit in my lap and helped. Jacob did drive Kenny on his own and didn't run into any trees.

 After church we tried out a new Chinese restaurant that is pretty close to our house. We had sweet and sour chicken that was really good. Kenny ordered some kind of meat dish that was not very good. Katie had told me about the place and so we had our drivers talk and when Baptista pulled up we were a little worried. Jacob even said there is no way Katie would have ate here. We lower our expectations a lot because this is our new reality...remember. :-) When we pulled up there was a red door that they opened for us to pull in. All the table were outside with canopies over them. I called Katie to make sure we were at the right place because the guy at the gate said it was massage and restaurant. She assured me we were at the right place so we sprayed with bug spray and had a seat. A Chinese waiter came to the table and we asked if he spoke English. He said no and left and returned with another Chinese guy. We thought ok this guy will speak English and the man said he only speaks Chinese and Portuguese. We had Baptista eating with us so not a problem we thought.....until they gave us a menu that was only in Chinese. No luck because Baptista does not speak Chinese. :-) We finally got them to bring us a Portuguese menu so we could read it and look at the pictures in the Chinese menu. By this time Kenny and the boys were ready to leave but I assured them Katie said the food was excellent. (I was praying that it really was and she was not just delirious on the day she ate there.) Once we got the food everyone was happy and loved it. HATS OFF TO KATIE!!!

Not sure what Jacob was doing in this picture. :-)

The boys are also out of school all this week for fall break. Kenny is working so we are just hanging out at the compound. There are a few people still here so the boys have friends to play with. They have been having NERF gun wars every day since last Thursday at the park. Tomorrow the boys are going to join me at water aerobics.....this should be interesting. 

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