Sunday, November 13, 2011

Off to London

Our flight left at midnight and so we left our house about 8pm. Jared was asleep at the house by 7 and slept to the airport. We were waiting in line to check our bags and they seen me carrying Jared asleep and they let us go ahead of some other people then we went through security and got our passports checked and then we where walking by the area that they check you for kwanza's and they seen me carrying Jared while he was sleeping and they let us go on past. Once they bused us out to the plane I was still carrying sleeping Jared and so they let us cut to the front of the line and Jacob said it's good to have a little brother because he always gets us to the front of the line. :-) The boys did great on the plane and both went right to sleep. Jacob woke up about 6am and his stomach was hurting him so I took him to the bathroom and he started throwing up. He watched a little movie after this and went back to sleep. He slept until right before we landed and then he ended up getting sick again. We made it off the plane and was in line for customs and Jacob said, "Jared work your magic and get us to the front of the line again." It didn't work this time though. Once we got to the hotel Jacob got sick again. I always bring the rub-on medicine for their wrist in case they get sick while we are gone. I gave that to him and he was good for the rest of the day. I hope it was just a stomach virus...Kenny had it about a week or so ago and it lasted about 24 hours only. When we got to the hotel it was to early to check in so we had breakfast and then walked to the train station and got Kenny's tickets to ride to Leather Head M-W. Then we went and had the Oyster cards filled that the Amer's let us borrow and took the subway to Oxford street and got everyone some winter clothes to wear for the week. The boys and I only brought 1 pair of jeans with us to Africa and no long sleeve shirts and Kenny needed a new dress coat. We stopped and had, Jacob's favorite, Pizza Hut for lunch. Kenny and I didn't think it was as good as the Pizza Hut at home but that may not taste very good to us now either. The boys loved it especially Jacob. After we finished our clothes shopping we took the boys to Hamley's. It is a 5 story toy store and I have never seen so many people and kids and toys in my life. The boys were on a mission for some bey blades and of course they were on the 5th floor. After the toy store we rode the subway back to the hotel and stopped at a local steak place and had dinner. It was ok but not the best. It was about 57 here today and it felt really good.

I thought living in Angola was expensive it is crazy ridiculous here. Our taxi ride from the airport to the hotel cost about $120US. Groceries are not so expensive but everything else is pretty high compared to the US.

Kenny has his training class tomorrow from 8-4 so I think the boys and I are going to go to the London Aquarium and maybe see about seeing The Lion King. I haven't gotten completely used to the Subway yet so tomorrow should be fun with me and the boys by ourselves. :-) I just hope we don't get lost.
Jared ready to board the plane. :-)

About to get out of the bus and board the plane.

Taxi ride to the hotel and the boys being silly.

Tired Kenny on the way to the Hotel.

Waiting on the first subway ride. They were so excited.

Shopping at H&M. Jared said to take a picture of him pretending to jump out the window. :-)


Sorry for the bad pictures but I only had my phone today. This is down Oxford street.

Looking for Hamleys

Found it.

In Hamleys

Inside Hamleys

Inside Hamleys

Look at all the Bey Blades.

Look what else I found in one the the stores we went in. YEAH!!!!!

Our Hotel is called Thistle Westminster and it is on Buckingham Palace Road in the Victoria area. It is a pretty big room. We heard it is hard to get a hotel room that is very big in London unless you pay a lot. One thing we did forget to ask was if our room has air conditioner and guess does NOT. We didn't realize this was a question we should ask until we went to South Africa but we didn't even think about it here. Before we left from Angola I ordered a bread machine and had it shipped to the hotel and it was waiting on me. I am so ready to use me a reason to be excited to go back to Luanda for 3 weeks. :-) I will add pictures of the hotel tomorrow.

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